Learn to Coach GEN Z with Effective Results (½ day) PM
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Learn to Coach GEN Z with Effective Results (½ day) PM

Public Workshops: Cantonese with English Workbook
In-house Workshops: 社內培訓可選用粵語授課




  • 唔交帶、唔應機、唔準時、唔show up
  • 揀嘢做
  • 佛系躺平、你急佢唔急
  • 渴求feedback卻又玻璃心
  • 無心裝載、長期迷惘
  • 唔肯捱、唔想捱、唔捱得
  • 轉工如換衫,辭職是日常
  • 其他:__________(歡迎填充)


You are from Mars, they are from Venus. If your GEN Z subordinates are bringing you much headache, there is actually a better way out.

Cross-Generation management is much more than just bridging the generation gap.  It is a valuable chance for both of you to transform and upgrade yourself into a “better me”.  

Learn to coach and reunite with GEN Z into one universe, and your life will be much different thereafter.


Leaders, managers or supervisors who work closely with Gen Z subordinates or business counterparts.

What You Will Cover

Nurture and empower your Gen Z. Apply Coaching in Cross-Generation Management. 

  1. The 4 must know “keywords” of Gen Z: what overwhelms they mind?
    • Judgement: What would people think when I do this and that?
    • Comparison: I can never be the best…
    • Acceptance: Will you still like me if I am not good enough?
    • Insecurity: I am making a fool of myself…
  2. Do(s) and Don’t(s) working with Gen Z
    • Role play/Games
    • Case studies: Your pain points with Gen Z
    • All you need to know in one concise mind-map
  3. Coach first, Friend Second, Boss third: How to do it?
    • Gen Zs vs Me: turn conflicts into chances
    • Effective coaching skills and Improvisation practice
    • Experience sharing
  4. How to talk so Gen Z will listen, how to listen so Gen Z will talk (The 4 Cs)
    • Care: Verbal and non-verbal expressions
    • Communicate: What you have done and what you can do differently
    • Co-create: Making things happen together and share success
    • Co-own: Develop mutual ownership and be proud of each other
About the Facilitator

Ming Lok is a professional life coach, writer and trainer. She founded “心・導・賞 Follow Your Heart to Appreciate Life” to help people breakthrough bottlenecks in career, relationships and life, remove self-limiting beliefs and maximize personal growth.

Over the last 17 years, she has collaborated with over 100 public and private corporations to provide internal HR as well as external PR training on cross-generation communication, leadership management, as well as media skills with her authentic, insightful and pragmatic approach.

She has also been in many different forms of relationships with Gen Z, including employer-employee, manager-subordinates, business partners, company co-owners etc. She coaches them, motivates them and knows their strengths and vulnerabilities inside-out.   Ms Wong was also a radio host in RTHK, columnist for Mingpao, iMoney, am730 etc and her published books include best-selling titles: 《港孩》、《通識救港孩》and 《佛系廢青都有火》etc。

WorldBridge Training Centre, 160 Lockhart Road, 1902 Yue Xiu Building (1 min walk from Wanchai MTR A1 Exit)
1:30pm - 5:00pm
Complimentary refreshments
HK$1,300 per participant. Special discounted fee of HK$1,188 per participant for enrolments one month before date of workshop or for groups of two or more